Community Musicians

Change Your life through music!



Change Your life through the arts!

Build your own dreams

Break barriers in the face of adversity

Emotional Support

Specifically designed for musicians and performing artists facing the struggles of life. Musolitic is delighted to be offering emotional support to artists facing adversities. Most performing artists go through something challenging, from low self-esteem to self-doubt, depression, nerves, and family or relationship issues.

Counselling Artists 1:1

Explore in a safe setting your personal or professional challenges with a qualified counsellor. Find the core issues and work towards long-term goals.

*Mel Golding conducts sessions, which can be in person or remotely.

Group Therapy for Artists

Explore personal or professional challenges within the arts industry with others. Build your support network and learn to transform negative emotions into tools that help you thrive.

*Mel Golding conducts sessions, which can be in person or remotely.

Arts Projects

Find your muse!

This project aims to help aspiring young musicians, DJs, and music producers break the barriers of adversities that prevent professional advancement. We believe every musician deserves a chance to advance their skills and knowledge regardless of their background or current status. We aim to provide an artist-friendly environment where you can explore your skills, collaborate with fellow musicians and take steps to earn from a music career.

Fine Arts

This project aims to help aspiring artists develop skills and confidence through painting and drawing activities with the view of promoting their talents in events and exhibitions. There is emotional support available on site.


For aspiring photographers, show the world how you see through your eyes. Be bold and brave! Improve your keen eye, be creative with your story telling as a photgrapher and hone in on your craft.

Writing projects


Indulge in a songwriting journey as you explore the ups and downs of your personal life. This is a therapeutic activity resulting in a composition that can be aired if you dare!

Poetry and Speaking

Aware of isolation and losing loved ones, these workshops intend to provide a warm, gentle environment where the older generation can connect through music and arts. Taking a trip down memory lane is key to recalling happy moments and sharing experiences that deserve to be remembered and respected.

Mind & Heart Projection
In Your Own words

Performance projects


Explore different genres to understand your musical preferences. These workshops help you curate a unique set of tracks to build a signature style, helping you stand out from other DJs. Perform at open mics, small events, or online to get comfortable in front of an audience and learn to read their energy.

Learn lines, choose scripts and enjoy acting! Engage with fellow actors, learn from each other, support and inspire!

Practice, develop & Perform
Theatre and Movies